Thursday, November 10, 2011


At first I typed "DMB" for the title - too bad this doesn't have a single thing to do with good ol' Dave Matthews and his Band...

My drivers license was two addresses overdue for an update, and I'm starting a new job in two weeks, so I figured I'd make sure all my info matched up & stuff. I went to the AZ Dept of Transportation website to find out what I'd need to bring, but there wasn't much info on bringing anything for a change of address...just a link to a page where you could do it online for $12. I've changed my address once before since becoming an AZ resident, and couldn't remember having paid anything for it when I went in, so I figured I'd just take a new crafty project (I just learned to crochet last week!!) and wait the hour or so in the hopes of the fee being an online thing - that a personal visit might be penalty enough for moving 2 miles from my last house.

Fortunately, the wait was less than an hour. Unfortunately, the fee was still levied. Fortunately, they take Visa and Mastercard.

Fortunately, I had a great picture on my old license, but my hair's now longer, so I figured I'd take anther one. Unfortunately, I now have a very classic Drivers License picture.

Moral of the story: Skip the trip & just pay online. And don't let pride get in the way of a good, but old, photo.

I always forget

For a few years, I've wanted to have some kind of fool-proof filing method of reminding myself of the best way to do things, which I usually learn AFTER I've done said things.

So, here's an electronic attempt. I'll let you know how it works out.